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Crimes against persons, such as murder, homicide, parricide, continue to dominate the offense profile, accounts for 50% of the cases of national prisoners.
17 persons were executed by hanging after world war 2, and 84 thru electric chair from 1924 to 1976. NBP is also the designated facility for death sentenced prisoners, the site of the Lethal Injection Chamber. Following the re-imposition of Death Penalty in 1994, 7 death convicts were so far executed by lethal injection. At present there are more than a thousand death convicts awaiting their execution.
A majority of inmates confined in national prison did not finish secondary education while nearly 6% never went to school or were illiterate. Only 3% earned a college degree.
It was felt that the first step in our rehabilitation effort is to provide the basic needs of inmate as human being. The other steps in the rehabilitation process are the provision of work programs, health care, education and skills training, recreation and sports, religious guidance and behavior modification using the therapeutic community
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(Note: Death penalty has been abolished in the Philippines a few years back under the term of ex Pres. G. Arroyo).
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