Monday, May 21, 2012

Protest and appeal in local real property tax case

For legal research purposes of our readers, we reproduce below the jurisprudential parts of a protest/appeal we recently filed with a Local Board of Assessment Appeals questioning a municipal assessor's act of reclassifying and reassessing parcels of land of a resort owned by our client. 



X X X,

-         versus –                                         Case No. __________


X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X


THE APPELLANTS XXX, by counsel, respectfully state:

X X X.

                                II.NATURE OF THE INSTANT APPEAL

1.      The instant appeal is taken by the appellants pursuant to Section 252 (in relation to Section 225) of the Local Government Code from the “Notices of Assessments”, dated February 3, 2012 ((Annexes “C” to “C-1”, infra), issued by the appellee Municipal Treasurer of XXX, XXX, together with the “Tax
Declarations” he issued therewith, which were received by the appellants on the same day, February 3, 2012 (Annexes “C” to C-15”, infra), and from the “Notices of Assessment and Tax Bill”, dated April 12, 2012 and April 19, 2012 (Annexes “E” to “E-1”, infra), issued upon the authority and instructions of the appellee Provincial Treasurer of XXX, and, further, in relation to the PAYMENT UNDER PROTEST made on April 24, 2012 by the appellants per Official Receipt Nos. X X X  (Annex “F” to “F-3”, in relation to Annexes “G” to “G-1”,  infra).

                                      X X X.

                        VI.       APPLICABLE CONSTITUTIONAL AND
                                                LEGAL PROVISIONS

2.      Quoted hereunder are the different provisions of the Constitution and the Local Government Code that are applicable to and ought to serve as guide to the member of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals (LBAA) that will initially resolve the instant appeal.


3.      Section 1, Article III, Bill of Rights, 1987 Constitution:

“Section 1.  No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws”.


4.      Section 130, Fundamental Principles (of Local Government Taxation), Local Government Code:

Section 130.  Fundamental Principles. – The following fundamental principles shall govern the exercise of the taxing and other revenue-raising powers of local government units:

x x x

(1)  Taxes, fees. Charges and other impositions shall:

(a)  be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayer’s ability to 
(b)  x x x;
(c)   not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;
x x x (emphasis supplied)”.

5.      Section 198, Fundamental Principles (of Real Property Taxation) Local Government Code:

Section 198.  Fundamental Principles. – The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real property tax shall be guided by the following fundamental principles

            “x x x
             x x x
(e)  The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be equitable   
       (emphasis  supplied)”.

6.      Section 201,  Appraisal of Real Property, Local Government Code:

“Section 201.  Appraisal of Real Property. – All real property, whether taxable or exempt, shall be appraised at the current and fair market value prevailing in the locality where the property is situated. x x x (emphasis supplied)”.

7.      Section 202,  Declaration of Real Property by the Owner or Administrator, Local Government Code:

Section 202.  Declaration of Real Property by the Owner or Administrator. – It shall be the duty of all persons, natural or juridical, owning or administering real property, including the improvements therein, within a city or municipality, or their duly authorized representative, to prepare, or cause to be prepared, and file with the provincial, city or municipal assessor, a sworn statement declaring the true value of their property, whether previously declared or undeclared, taxable or exempt, which shall be the current and fair market value of the property, as determined by the declarant.   Such declaration shall contain a description of the property sufficient in detail to enable the assessor or his deputy to identify the same for assessment purposes.  The sworn declaration of real property herein referred to shall be filed with the assessor concerned once every three (3) years during the period from January first (1st) to June thirtieth (30th) commencing with the calendar year 1992”.

8.      Section 204, Declaration of Real Property by the Assessor, Local Government Code:

Section 204. Declaration of Real Property by the Assessor. – When any person, natural or juridical, by whom real property is required to be declared under Section 202 hereof, refuses or fails for any reason to make such declaration within the time prescribed, the provincial, city or municipal assessor shall himself declare the property in the name of the defaulting owner, if known, or against an unknown owner, as the case may be, and shall assess the property for taxation in accordance with the provision of this Title. No oath shall be required of a declaration thus made by the provincial, city or municipal assessor”.

9.      Section 213, Authority of Assessor to Take Evidence, Local Government


Section 213.  Authority of Assessor to Take Evidence. – For the purpose of obtaining information on which to base the market value of any real property, the assessor of the province, city or municipality or his deputy may summon the owners of the properties to be affected or persons having legal interest therein and witnesses, administer oaths, and take deposition concerning the property, its ownership, amount, nature, and value. (Emphasis supplied)

10. Section 217, Actual Use of Real Property as Basis for Assessment, Local

Government Code:

Section 217, Actual Use of Real Property as Basis for Assessment. – Real property shall be classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its actual use regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever uses it”. (Emphasis supplied).

11.  Section 221, Date of Effectivity of Assessment or Reassessment, Local

Government Code:

Section 221.  Date of Effectivity of Assessment or Reassessment. – All assessments or reassessments made after the first (1st) day of January of any year shall take effect on the first (1st) day of January of the succeeding year x x x (emphasis supplied).”

12.  Second Paragraph of Section 222, Assessment of Property Subject to Back

Taxes, Local Government Code:

Section 222. Assessment of Property Subject to Back Taxes. – x x x
If such taxes are paid on or before the end of the quarter following the date the notice of assessment was received by the owner or his representative, no interest for delinquency shall be imposed thereon; otherwise, such taxes shall be subject to an interest at the rate of two percent (2%) per month or a fraction thereof from the date of the receipt of the assessment until such taxes are fully paid. (Emphasis supplied)”.

13.  Section 226, Local Board of Assessment Appeals, Local Government Code:

Section 226. Local Board of Assessment Appeals. – Any owner or person having legal interest in the property who is not satisfied with the action of the provincial, city or municipal assessor in the assessment of his property may, within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of the written notice of assessment, appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals of the province or city by filing a petition under oath in the form prescribed for the purpose, together with copies of the tax declarations and such affidavits or documents submitted in support the appeal”. (Emphasis supplied).

14.  Section 246, Date of Accrual of Tax, Local Government Code:

Section 246.  Date of Accrual of Tax. – The real property tax for any year shall accrue on the first day of January and from date it shall constitute a lien on the property which shall be superior to any other lien, mortgage, or encumbrance of any kind whatsoever, and shall be extinguished only upon the payment of the delinquent tax”.

15.  Section 252, Payment Under Protest, Local Government Code:

Section 252.  Payment Under Protest.  – (a) No protest shall be entertained unless the taxpayer first pays the tax.  There shall be annotated on the tax receipts the words “paid under protest”.  The protest in writing must be filed within thirty (30) days from payment of the tax to the provincial, city treasurer or municipal treasurer, in the case of a municipality within Metropolitan Manila Area, who shall decide the protest within sixty (6o) days from receipt” (Emphasis supplied).

16.  Section 276.  Condonation or Reduction of Real Property Tax and Interest,

Local Government Code:

Section 276.  Condonation or Reduction of Real Property Tax and Interest. – In case of a general failure of crops or substantial decrease in the price of agricultural or agri-based products, or calamity in any province, city or municipality, the sanggunian concerned, by ordinance passed prior to the first (1st) day of January of any year and upon recommendation of the Local Disaster Coordinating Council, may condone or reduce, wholly or partially, the taxes and interest thereon for the succeeding year or years in the city or municipality affected by the calamity”. (Emphasis supplied).

                                VII. THE FACTS OF THE CASE

X X X .


41.     The abovelisted assigned errors are discussed  separately discussed in the following paragraphs.

IX.A.   The appellants were deprived of “due process” in the reclassification of the    
             subject parcels of land

42.     Except for the assessment for the improvements, all the rest of the other  assessments on parcel of land were already previously assessed as “agricultural lands”.

43.     In fact, as discussed hereinabove, the real estate taxes therefor had been previously paid in full up to the whole year of 2012.  (See Tax Clearances, attached hereto as Annex ”J”, with submarkings). 

44.     The questioned tax declarations reclassified the previous tax declarations of the same parcels of land from “agricultural” to “commercial” lands, allegedly using the “actual use”  method of assessment.

45.     The appellee Municipal Assessor violated the constitutional right of the appellants to “due process” in having UNILATERALLY and WITHOUT COORDINATION and CONSULTATION with them made the subject “Notices of Assessments”, dated February 3, 2012 and issued the accompanying Tax Declarations that reclassified the subject parcels of land from “agricultural” to commercial.

46.     Records will bear out that the appellants were even advanced in the payment of the real  estate taxes for the subject parcels of land.

47.     The appellee Municipal Assessor and/or his authorized representative ought to have coordinated with the appellants in the reclassification of the subject parcels of land, especially with respect to the proper identification of the different properties as well  as which parts of the said parcel s of land are actually being used as resort.

48.             Moreover,  the reclassification of the subject parcels of land to “commercial” was not indicated and appropriate given that the Sanggunian Bayan of XXX, XXX, had just approved on January 16, 2012 under Resolusyon Blg. 2012-19 the reclassification from “Forest Zone” to “Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Zone the 20.178 hectares located in XXX, XXX, in favor of the XXX upon the request of one XXX. This precedent applies to the appellant XXX, which is a tourism enterprise of the same  classification as XXX.  (See Annexes “BB” and BB-1”, supra, Resolusyon Blg. 2012-19 and Ulat ng Lupon, dated January 16, 2012).

49.     The UNILATERAL reclassification by the appellee Municipal Assessor caused the following unfavorable consequences:

49.1.       It subjected the all the subject parcels of land containing a total area of 157,325 square meters of 15.7325 hectares as commercial, when in truth and in fact only about 3.7 hectares thereof is actually used for resort facilities and activities.
49.2.       It subjected the appellants to a very huge real estate tax obligation that is grossly unreasonable and confiscatory in nature and which would surely mean the total extinction of XXX RESORT by reason of huge losses caused by inequitable taxes.
49.3.       In the assessment of the improvements on some parts of the subject  parcels of land,  the Municipal Assessor of XXX failed to consider the fact that the resort facilities of the appellant XXX RESORT were TOTALLY DESTROYED by Typhoon Ondoy in 2009 and that the rehabilitation of which were  only completed at the end of 2011.

50.    The worst part of the situation was that the appellee Municipal Assessor tried to extort money from the representative of the appellants which is now the subject of a pending criminal and administrative against him before the Office of the Ombudsman.

51.     If only the appellee Municipal Assessor had properly and in good faith coordinated and consulted with the appellants on the reclassification of the subject parcel of land as well as on the initial assessment of the improvements on some of the subject parcels of land, the unfortunate untoward incidents abovelisted could have been avoided.

52.     It bears stressing that the appellants are not delinquent and have never been delinquent all in the payment of real estate taxes on the subject parcels of land.  In fact, the real estate taxes for the subject parcel of land has previously been paid in advance up to the end of the year 2012.
            IX. B.    Section 204 of the Local Government Code on the declaration of  
            real property by the  assessor is INAPPLICABLE:

53.     Although Section 204, Declaration of Real Property by the Assessor, Local Government   Code, provides that “when any person, natural or juridical, by whom real property is required to be declared under Section 202 hereof, refuses or fails for any reason to make such declaration within the time prescribed, the provincial, city or municipal assessor shall himself declare the property in the name of the defaulting owner, if known, or against an unknown owner, as the case may be, and shall assess the property for taxation in accordance with the provision of this Title”,  the said Section 204 of the Local Government Code  can no longer apply in the case at bar on the following arguments:

·        The subject parcels of land were already subject to real estate taxation;
·        The questioned assessments were not intended to “declare” the subject parcels of  land for taxation purpose but to “reclassify” the subject parcels of land from  “agricultural” to “commercial”.
·        The real estate taxes for the subject parcels of land were already paid in advance up to the full year 2012.

IX.C.   Not all of the parcels of land subjected to the “reclassification from   agricultural to  commercial” are “actually used for commercial purposes”.  Only  those actually used for commercial purposes, for argument’s sake, ought to be reclassified from agricultural to commercial.  There ought to be created an ad hoc committee that shall do an truly accurate and reliable actual inspection to determine and identify which parcel/s of land ought to be “reclassified as commercial” and the parts thereof to be reclassified and  measured as to the size for reclassification purposes.

54.     The appellee Municipal Assessor will agree that not all of the subject 15.7325 hectares of land covered by the questioned subject tax declarations are being presently developed and used for resort facilities.  Only 3.7 hectares, more or less, which is an indicative figure and subject to the results of the requested ocular re-inspection requested hereinabove, are actually developed and used for commercial resort facilities and activities.

55.     The rest of the  remaining subject parcels of land measuring about 12.0 hectares ought to be restored back to their former (and true) classification as agricultural lands. (These parcels of lands were unjustly and inaccurately reclassified from agricultural to commercial under the February 3, 2012 Notices of Assessment and accompanying Tax Declarations issued by the Municipal Assessor of XXX).

56.     If the abovementioned gross mistake is allowed to proceed, the amount of real estate taxes due will be very huge, unreasonable, and  confiscatory which will surely result in the total extinction of the Resort as a business enterprise and which will, further, create unintended economic, labor, and policy problems to the Municipality of XXX (and the Province of XXX, for that matter) in terms of poor revenues, unemployment of its own people, negative social and political image as a town that is “unfriendly to business” (which may create fears in the hearts of investors), diminished external investments from serious businessmen like the herein appellants, and the like.

57.     To verify which parcel/s of land and what part/s thereof may be reclassified from           agricultural to commercial, there ought to be an accurate, reliable, fair, and unbiased ocular inspection of the subject parcels of land by an “AD HOC COMMITTEE” duly constituted for the purpose, subject to notice  to and participation of the appellants.

IX.D.   For argument’s sake only, the Notices of Assessment , dated February 3, 2012, and   received by the appellants on the same day February 3, 2012  were   made after the first day of January 2012, hence the reassessment, if valid and legal, must take effect on the first day of January 2013 (Section 221, LGC), especially that the real estate taxes for 2012 had already been paid.

58.     Section 221, Date of Effectivity of Assessment or Reassessment of the Local     
  Government Code is again quoted hereunder for ready reference, viz:

“Section 221.  Date of Effectivity of Assessment or Reassessment. – All assessments or reassessments made after the first (1st) day of January of any year shall take effect on the first (1st) day of January of the succeeding year x x x (emphasis supplied).”

59.       It is readily seen on the face of the subject “Notices of Assessment”, dated
February 3, 2012, that they were made after the 1st day of January 2012, having   been issued on February 3, 2012 and received by the appellants on the same day February 3, 2012.
60.    Hence, the said re-assessments ought to be effective yet on the 1st day of January 2013, pursuant to the express provision of Section 221.

IX.E.   No penalties ought to have been charged yet on the assessment as the  
            effectivity  therefor is January 2013 yet.

61.       The appellants noted that they were charged and were made to pay the
  following penalties for the first Quarter of 2010, in the total amount of  
  P132,152.16,  viz:

X X X.

62.     There should be no penalties as the reclassification of the subject parcels of land are yet to be effective on January 1, 2013. (Section 22, Par. 2 of the Local Government Code).

63.     The imposable real estate taxes are still due on the day following the close of the  quarter following the receipt of the notice of assessment pursuant to the second paragraph of Section 222 of the Local Government Code.  In this case, the  assessment are to be effective on January 1, 2013.  Hence, earliest, the deadline for the payment of  the real estate taxes will be on April 2013.  The penalties were wrongly charged and ought to be refunded or applied to future real estate taxes due.

IX.F.   Improvements in the resort just got recently restored in 2011 from the devastation caused by Typhoon  Ondoy  and should not be taxed retroactive to 2010. The improvements were re-built and completed only in 2011.

64.         It is a well-known phenomenon that Luzon was devastated by Typhoon Ondoy and other typhoons from October 2009 and onwards.  The resort facilities of appellant XXX RESORT were  TOTALLY DESTROYED by landslides of rocks, logs, and soil that were eroded  and/or flowed down the nearby hills, mountains, streams and rivers.

65.      Such rehabilitation of the resort facilities of appellant XXX RESORT  took THIRTY MILLION PESOS (P30 Million)  in capital investments and was completed only at the end of 2011.

66.     It is, therefore, erroneous, unjust, inequitable, and without factual and legal bases to subject to real  estate taxes the resort facilities of the appellant XXX RESORT that were  TOTALLY  DESTROYED during the Typhoon Ondoy in October 2009 and which got rehabilitated only in the end of 2011.

67.     The payments of real estate taxes, in principal amounts and in penalties, are
        IMPROPER and ought to be REFUNDED and/or APPLIED TO FUTURE REAL  

IX.G.   The tax declarations are null and void as they were approved by an
             unauthorized  person, the Tax Mapper XXX XXX.

68.     The subject tax declarations were “approved” by Tax Mapper XXX XXX. The appellants respectfully question his authority to sign the subject tax  declarations. Hence, the subject tax declaration are null and void for having been co-signed by a person without authority to do so.

69.      The appointment of Engr. XXX made reference to RA No. 9646,

known as the "Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines" but it did not

explain the reason for and the relevance of such a reference to RA No. 9646

on the face of his appointment paper. (See Annex “W”, supra). 

70.      Under Section 3 of RA No. 9646 (approved by the President on June 29,

2009), the following terms are defined:

“x x x.

(b) "Assessor" refers to an official in the local government unit, who performs appraisal and assessment of real properties, including plants, equipment, and machineries, essentially for taxation purposes. This definition also includes assistant assessors.

X x x.

(g) "Real estate service practitioners" shall refer to and consist of the following:

X x x.”

(3) Real estate assessor — a duly registered and licensed natural person who works in a local government unit and performs appraisal and assessment of real properties, including plants, equipment, and machineries, essentially for taxation purposes.

X x x.”

71.      There is no showing that the signatories to the questioned tax declarations and notices of assessment in the persons of XXX XXX and XXX XXX have duly qualified, licensed and registered by and with the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service, hereinafter referred to as the Board, under the supervision and administrative control of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), as mandated by RA No. 9646, thus:

“x x x.

SEC. 12. Licensure Examination. - Every applicant seeking to be registered and licensed as a real estate service practitioner, except a real estate salesperson, shall undergo an examination as provided for in this Act. Examinations for the practice of real estate service in the Philippines shall be given by the Board at least once every year in such places and dates as the Commission may designate.

X x x.

SEC. 17. Issuance of the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. - A certificate of registration shall be issued to examinees who pass the licensure examination for real estate service subject to payment of fees prescribed by the Commission. The certificate of registration shall bear the signature of the chairperson of the Commission and the chairperson and the members of the Board, stamped with the official seal of the Commission, indicating that the person named therein is entitled to practice the profession with all the benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto. This certificate of registration shall remain in full force and effect until revoked or suspended in accordance with this Act.

A professional identification card bearing the registration number, date of issuance and expiry date, duly signed by the chairperson of the Commission, shall likewise be issued to every registrant upon payment of the required fees. The professional identification card shall be renewed every three (3) years and upon satisfying the requirements of the Board such as, but not limited to, attendance in the CPE program.

SEC. 18. Refusal to Register. - The Board shall not register and issue a certificate of registration to any successful examinee who has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude or has been found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct after investigation by the Board, or has been found to be psychologically unfit.

SEC. 19. Revocation or Suspension of the Certificate of Registration and the Professional Identification Card or Cancellation of Special/Temporary Permit. - The Board may, after giving proper notice and hearing to the party concerned, revoke the certificate of registration and the professional identification card, or cancel the special/temporary permit of a real estate service practitioner, or suspend him/her from the practice of the profession on any of the following instances hereunder:

(a) Procurement of a certificate of registration and/or professional identification card, or special/temporary permit by fraud or deceit;

(b) Allowing an unqualified person to advertise or to practice the profession by using one's certificate of registration or professional identification card, or special/temporary permit;

(c) Unprofessional or unethical conduct;

(d) Malpractice or violation of any of the provisions of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, and the Code of Ethics and Responsibilities for real estate service practitioners; and

(e) Engaging in the practice of the profession during the period of one's suspension.

SEC. 20. Registration Without Examination, - Upon application and payment of the required fees, the following shall be registered, and shall be issued by the Board and the Commission a certificate of registration and a professional identification card without taking the prescribed examination:

X x x.

(b) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of this Act, hold permanent appointments and are performing actual appraisal and assessment functions for the last five (5) years, have passed the Real Property Assessing Officer (RPAO) examination conducted and administered by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), and have undertaken relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board; and

(c) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of this Act, hold permanent appointments and have at least ten (10) years actual experience in real property appraisal or assessment and have completed at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities recognized by the Board and relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board.
      Those falling under categories (b) and (c) shall register with the Board after they shall have complied with the requirements for registration as real estate appraisers: Provided, That those seeking to be licensed to a new credential level shall be required to take the pertinent licensure examination.

Those so exempt under the aforementioned categories shall file their application within two (2) years from the effectivity of this ActProvided, That the renewal of the professional identification card is subject to the provisions of Section 17 hereof.

X x x.

SEC. 25. Oath. — All successful examinees qualified for registration and all qualified applicants for registration without examination as well as accredited salespersons shall be required to take an oath before any member of the Board or any officer of the Commission duly authorized by the Commission to administer oaths prior to entering into the practice of real estate service in the Philippines.

X x x.

SEC. 28. Exemptions from the Acts Constituting the Practice of Real Estate Service. - The provisions of this Act and its rules and regulations shall not apply to the following":

X x x.

(e) Public officers in the performance of their official duties and functions, except government assessors and appraisers.

SEC. 29. Prohibition Against the Unauthorized Practice of Real Estate Service. - No person shall practice or offer to practice real estate service in the Philippines or offer himself/herself as real estate service practitioner, or use the title, word, letter, figure or any sign tending to convey the impression that one is a real estate service practitioner, or advertise or indicate in any manner whatsoever that one is qualified to practice the profession, or be appointed as real property appraiser or assessor in any national government entity or local government unit, unless he/she has satisfactorily passed the licensure examination given by the Board, except as otherwise provided in this Act, a holder of a valid certificate of registration, and

professional identification card or a valid special/temporary permit duly issued to him/her by the Board and the Commission, and in the case of real estate brokers and private appraisers, they have paid the required bond as hereto provided.

SEC. 30. Positions in Government Requiring the Services of Registered and Licensed Real Estate Service Practitioners. - Within three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act, all existing and new positions in the national and local governments, whether career, permanent, temporary or contractual, and primarily requiring the services of any real estate service practitioner, shall be filled only by registered and licensed real estate service practitioners.

All incumbent assessors holding permanent appointments shall continue to perform their functions without need for re appointment and without diminution of status, rank and salary grade, and shall enjoy security of tenure. However, they may not be promoted to a higher position until they meet the qualification requirements of that higher position as herein prescribed. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to reduce any benefit, interest, or right enjoyed by the incumbents at the time of the enactment of this Act. The appointing authority shall exercise his power to appoint the assessor in accordance with the provisions of this Act only when a vacancy occurs.

X x x.”

72.     It must be noted that Sec. 38 of RA No. 9646 require all assessors (real estate service practitioners) “x x x to indicate the certificate of registration, professional identification card, PTR number, and APO receipt number, and the date of issuance and the duration of validity on the documents he/she signs, uses or issues in connection with the practice of his/her profession”.  The records of the case at bar show that the questioned tax declarations signed by XXX and XXX did not indicate their respective “certificate of registration, professional identification card, PTR number, and APO receipt number, and the date of issuance and the duration of validity”.

In this regard, perhaps, the said appellees must be reminded of the

Sec. 39 (penal provisions) of RA No. 9646, which commands that – 

“x x x. Any violation of this Act, including violations of implementing rules and regulations, shall be meted the penalty of a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than two (2) years, or both such fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the court. In case the violation is committed by an unlicensed real estate service practitioner, the penalty shall be double the aforesaid fine and imprisonment.

X x x.”

Note: Sec.. 44 of RA No. 9646 (Repealing Clause) has modified, inter alia, Sections 472 and 473 (qualifications and duties of assessors) of the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act No. 7160) and the pertinent provisions of the Civil Service Law. All laws, decrees, executive orders, department or memorandum orders and other administrative issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of RA No. 9646 were modified, superseded or repealed accordingly.

IX.H.  The real estate tax payments made on the same parcels of land for the year 2012  ought to be deducted from the real estate taxes once determined with finality to be due.

73.     As repeatedly discussed hereinabove, the appellants already paid the real estate taxes for the subject parcel of land for the full year of 2012 as proved in the attached Tax Clearances (Annexes “J”, with submarkings, supra).

74.     The said 2012 advance payments by the appellants in real estate taxes for the         
same subject parcels of land ought to be deducted from the real estate taxes to  be determined as payable upon finality of the decision/s in this action/appeal/protest.

IX.I.    The double payments for 2010 made on April 24, 2012 ought to be refunded or  applied to future real estate taxes due as the reclassification ought to be effective yet in January 2013, subject to the fact that reclassification ought to be limited only to the areas actually used for commercial purposes. The appellants had paid in advance the real estate taxes up to full year 2012.

75.     The appellants had previously paid the real estate taxes due on the subject parcels of land up  to 2012. The same appellants also previously paid the real estate taxes for the years 2010 and 2011. The same appellants were charged and were made to pay again real estate taxes  for  the First Quarter of 2010.  This means that the appellants paid twice the real  estate taxes for the First Quarter of 2010.

76.     We humbly stress: The appellants ought to be refunded their said real estate payments for the First Quarter of 2010 as the same were already paid. It ought to be stressed that the taxes assessed on the said parcel of land by way of reclassification are yet to be effective on January 1, 2013 and still due on April 1, 2013.

IX.J.    The real estate tax payments as well as the payments for penalties for 2010  
made on April 24, 2012 imposed on the real estate taxes on the improvements ought to be refunded or applied to future real estate taxes as the assessment on the said improvements are not correct considering that the rehabilitation of the said improvements were only completed in the end of 2011.
77.      The real estate tax payments as well as the payments for penalties for 2010
made on April 24, 2012 for the First Quarter of 2010 for IMPROVEMENTS are  not owing yet on the ground that the said  improvements were TOTALLY  
            DESTROYED and were rehabilitated only at the end of  2011.

78.     The real estate tax payments (principal and penalties) for the said improvements ought  to be  refunded and/or applied to future real estate taxes due, in the interest of fairness and justice.

IX.K.   The real estate tax payments as well as the payments for penalties for 2010
made  on April 24, 2012 imposed on the real estate taxes on the subject parcels of land ought to be refunded or applied to future real estate taxes as the re-assessment on the said subject of parcel of land are yet to be effective on January 1, 2013.

79.     The real estate tax payments as well as the payments for penalties for 2010
made on April 24, 2012 for the First Quarter of 2010 (payment made under protest) for the same subject parcel  of land are not owing yet on the following grounds:

·        The reclassification will still be effective on January 1, 2013;
·        The real estate taxes thereon will still be due on April 1, 2013, at the  earliest;
·        The real estate taxes thereon for 2010 were already paid.

80.      Hence, the real estate tax payments (principal and penalties) for the said  parcel  of land for the First Quarter of 2010 ought to be  refunded and/or applied to  future real estate taxes due.

                                                     APPELLANTS EVIDENCE

81.     The instant appeal involves considerable factual issues that need to be proved. 

82.     There are voluminous documentary evidence attached to the instant appeal that need to be authenticated.

83.      There may be clarificatory questions that the members of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals (LBAA), constituted for the purpose of the instant appeal, may want to ask of the appellants and their witnesses.

84.     In order to aid the members of the LBAA, the appellants respectfully move and pray that a hearing/s for the reception of appellants' evidence be set.

                                                  XI.     RELIEF

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed that:

1.      The questioned handwritten Notices of Assessment, both dated February 3, 2012 (copies of which are attached hereto as Annexes “C” and “C-1” hereof  issued by Mr.  XXX G. XXX, Municipal Assessor of XXX, XXX, be RECALLED, NULLIFIED, and SET ASIDE,

2.      The questioned Tax Declarations issued by the Municipal Assessor of XXX, XXX, Mr. XXX XXX, and co-signed by Tax Mapper XXX R. XXX (copies of which are attached hereto as Annexes “D” to “D-15”) be RECALLED, NULLIFIED, and SET ASIDE.
3.      The  questioned “NOTICES OF ASSESSMENT AND TAX BILL” (REAL PROPERTY TAX ORDER OF PAYMENT), dated April 12, 2012 (copies of which are attached hereto as Annexes “D” to “D-1”) in the amount of FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE & 36/100  PESOS (P5,267,859.36); and the subsequent “Notices of Assessment and Tax Bill”, dated April 19, 2012 (attached as Annexes “G” to “G-1”)  be RECALLED, NULLIFIED, and SET ASIDE.

4.      The real estate tax payments and the penalties  thereon made UNDER PROTEST on April 24, 2012 for the improvements in the amount P105,869.40 be REFUNDED and/or APPLIED to future real estate taxes determined to be due;

5.      The real estate tax payments and the penalties thereon made on April 24, 2012 for the same parcels of land in the amount of P368,235.16 be REFUNDED and/or APPLIED to future real estate taxes determined to be due;

6.      Application against the real taxes due thereon of all advance real estate tax payments made by the appellants for the year 2012 for the subject properties, including those paid as requirement for the instant appeal.

7.      Creation of an ad hoc committee to conduct a new ocular inspection for the purpose of determining the appropriate, correct, fair and just classification (including reclassification when warranted) and assessment of the subject real estate properties (land and improvements thereon) of the  appellants as well as the determination of the appropriate real estate taxes thereon for the years covered, subject to due notice to and participation by the appellants.

8.      Hearing/s be set for the reception of appellants' evidence.

9.      Appellants be allowed to post a SURETY BOND in lieu of cash payments for the real estate taxes due for the coming quarters pendente lite to assure/guarantee the appellants’ full settlement all real estate taxes that may be finally determined by the proper authorities/tribunals to be due and payable upon the final resolution of the appeals and other actions relative thereto. (Note: The rules of procedure of the CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENTY APPEALS, as posted on its website, allow the posting by the appellants of a SURETY BOND pendete lite and on appeal).

FURTHER, the appellants respectfully pray for such and other reliefs as may be deemed just and equitable in the premises.

Las Pinas City, May 18, 2012.

Counsel for Appellants
Unit 15, Star Arcade, C.V. Starr Ave.
Philamlife Village, Las Pinas City 1740
Tel./Fax No. 8462539, 8725443
Email –

Roll No. 33640, 4/27/85
IBP Lifetime Member No. 1907
IBP Leyte Chapter
MCLE No. IV- 1326, 2/3/11
PTR No. 10288207, 1/18/12, Las Pinas City

Roll No. 33520, 4/27/85
IBP Lifetime Member No. 1906, IBP PPLM Chapter
MCLE No. IV- 1325, 2/3/11
PTR No. 10288204, 1/18/12, Las Pinas City