Sunday, March 27, 2016

Our Easter Prayer for Filipino Voters

May Easter resurrect Filipino voters from greed, hate and ignorance.

May they detest greed by courageously refusing to sell their sacred votes.

May they reject hate by seeing adverse political camps with compassion and understanding.

May they overcome ignorance by searching the truth behind the facade of self-serving press (praise) releases, paid television advertisements, and dishonest social media memes of candidates.

May their sense of patriotism inspire them to expose and oppose warlordism, feudalism, dynastic rule, corruption, and patronage politics in their localities.

May they be liberated from poverty, inequality, disease, exploitation, and injustice.

May the Word and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Buddhas in the World of the Spirits grant them hope, faith, charity and patience in their Pilgrimage. .


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