Saturday, February 18, 2012

Guns in Courtrooms, 2012 - SBM Blog

Guns in Courtrooms, 2012 - SBM Blog

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Guns in Courtrooms, 2012

The National Center for State Courts reports:

The last two years may go on record as the busiest ever on the subject of guns in courthouses. In 2011, at least three states (Mississippi HB 506 & HB 881, Tennessee HB 2039 / SB 1775, and Wisconsin SB 93) expanded the list of people who could carry firearms into courthouses and even courtrooms. Just this week Virginia's House voted to allow city and county treasurers to carry guns into the courthouses in the Commonwealth. Meanwhile, Tennessee legislators who just last year allowed judges to carry guns into courthouses if they receive yearly training are attempting to repeal the requirements.

Is Michigan's absence from this list attributable, at least in part, to the 1988 courthouse killing of Judge Carol Irons by her estranged husband, a police officer?

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