Friday, August 30, 2019

Objective in disciplinary cases

TERESITA P. FAJARDOComplainantv. ATTY. NICANOR C. ALVAREZRespondent. A.C. No. 9018, April 20, 2016.

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The objective in disciplinary cases is not to punish the erring officer or employee but to continue to uplift the People's trust in government and to ensure excellent public service:

[W]hen an officer or employee is disciplined, the object sought is not the punishment of that officer or employee, but the improvement of the public service and the preservation of the public's faith and confidence in the government. . . . These constitutionally-enshrined principles, oft-repeated in our case law, are not mere rhetorical flourishes or idealistic sentiments. They should be taken as working standards by all in the public service.71

Having determined that respondent illicitly practiced law, we find that there is now no need to determine whether the fees he charged were reasonable.
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