Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Court personnel should be circumspect in their conduct. - A.M. No. SB-12-18-P

A.M. No. SB-12-18-P

"x x x .

 The image of a court of justice is mirrored in the conduct, official or otherwise, of the women and men who work in the judiciary, from the judge to the lowest of its personnel.[9]            Like the rest of the personnel of the Court, the shuttle bus drivers are expected to observe the norms and ethics of conduct of public officials and employees.[10]  Judiciary employees should be circumspect in how they conduct themselves inside and outside the office.[11] Any scandalous behavior or any act that may erode the people’s esteem for the judiciary is unbecoming of an employee.[12] Court employees are supposed to be well-mannered, civil and considerate in their actuations.[13] 

x x x."