see - Web•Tech•Law - Legal Notes - Eldorado Park man prosecuted for criminal defamation on Facebook
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If you find yourself a victim of defamation or an invasion of your privacy you may want to keep a record of the offending material, whether it be in the form of a printout or a digital version of the offending material. If the material is posted online, keep a record of the web page it was located on together with your records. Most browsers offer the option to print a page with the web page address and the time and date the print out was made. The same may apply to digital captures of the material concerned (Mac users can print to PDF from their print menus so use this option).
It is also very helpful to prepare a statement of your own recounting the events leading up to and including the publication of the offending material. Prepare this in your own words (plain language) as if you are writing a story. Start at the beginning and keep going until you have a full account of the history of the matter. Don't worry about using any legal terms, just the plain facts.
If you want to press charges of crimen injuria with the police, take your statement and a copy of your evidence to your local police station and lay a charge with them. On the other hand, if you would like to sue the other person for defamation, invasion of privacy or some other civil offence, take your statement and documentary evidence to your attorney. Being prepared really helps!
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